When passing by H2O you don't give it a second glance because honestly the outside is simply conventional. Creamy exterior color with a plain sign with its insignia on it. Just like that H2O. It totally undermines what the restaurant is really about, liveliness. The interior is completely contradictory to the exterior. It is dimly lit and scattered around the room are small square metal industrial tables with chairs to match. The walls have raised diamonds that protrude from the walls perfectly accented for the numerous modern art pieces hung from them. The thought evoking paintings create an artsy yet lively attitude. Making your approach to dinner a serious yet intimate experience. The sushi bar adjacent to the entrance draws you in usually with one or two chefs busy at their work creating the whimsical signature rolls that H2O is especially known for. The garnish for the interior design would honestly be the music, they don't play the typical. They bring their character to the diners and diners love them for it.
Eli Anderson has acquired quite an impressive following and reputation within Broadripple and Indianapolis. This is really something because over the past few years it has become very difficult because of the number of impressive restauranteurs that have settled in this growing food metropolis. The only other criticism with H2O is the service. If you are looking to be enlightened, drawn in, and overly friendly with the wait staff you are going to the wrong place. H2O has a very laid back wait staff that doesn't do the greatest job of drawing you in within their first sentence. Sometimes they can be very friendly and personable and yet other times be distant and disconnected. This can be quite bothersome at times, but again it is just another chip on the wall in an otherwise deliciously entrancing restaurant.
The Food. This is H2O's glorious high note, it's perfect focal point, and it's connection to the heart of Broadripple. The eclectic assortment of South Eastern Asian influences truly defines H2O. Their ever changing menu, according to seasonal and local ingredients captures the cook's refined experience in this cuisine. Their ideas are overflowing onto the menu and inspire you to be just a bit more daring when cooking at home. The pork buns, bi bim bop, heirloom tomato salad, and their irresistible cookies are my instantaneous go to dishes whenever presented on their menu. H2O's creativity flows truly from their heart. I know this personally because of a summer of prep at this wonderful establishment. The dishes are conceived sometimes randomly, but always with honest and heartfelt care that is brought to the diner on a pristine white plate and served with just a bit of whimsical talent that separates H2O from just "the norm".